Why A/b Testing Is Imperative For The Success Of Your Online Enterprise


A/B testing offers a simple but effective way to test numerous versions of a web page with live traffic. The test results can help webmasters determine the impact of a specific website version on visitors. It is a great way for commercial online businesses to increase conversion rates and actually convert potential customers into real customers.

Boost Conversion Rates With the Best Available Tool

Despite dynamic and advanced online marketing strategies and measures, the average rate of conversion of visitors into clients is a paltry 2 percent.  By using A/B testing, online enterprises aim to improve the impact of marketing efforts and provide visitors an enhanced experience when they browse through specific pages. An effective A/B testing tool can increase conversion rates dramatically.

Online marketers often find it difficult to uncover the real factors that can trigger a larger number of conversions. A/B testing helps in identifying the marketing variables that bring an enhanced response rate. When used properly and by expert hands, it can prove to be an effective lead generation tool that can effortlessly generate more opportunities and put you way ahead of other players in the niche.

A Simple Way to Achieve Dramatic Improvement

The testing process is affordable and also easy to implement. However, depending on what you are selling and the scale of your operations, you may have to incorporate complex elements that may require frequent tweaking. Yet, marketers’ experiences reveal that dramatic results can be achieved through some simple changes. Many online marketing experts swear that those not using this testing process can be missing out on some substantial lead generation boosts.

What A/B Testing Can Achieve for Your Site

With A/B testing, webmasters can get accurate data on the decisions to be made in the design, layout, features, and other aspects of a website. This helps in eliminating guesswork completely from the designing of a website. However, the accuracy of the results can only be relied on when tests are done continually. A single test will reveal precious little. Companies with a consistent testing process in place will have access to cumulative test results. Changes made to the website by taking into account these cumulative results can impact the rate of conversion spectacularly.

The best results can be achieved in three simple steps. This involves driving the right traffic to your site, measuring the site activity and carrying out a comprehensive analysis, and implementing winners. The process must be repeated until you get the desired conversion rate. Proper implementation of these steps can help websites achieve a conversion rate that could be as high as 90 to 95 percent.

Why You Need Continual Testing

By using A/B testing methods, websites can choose the most influential variables that can have the most forceful impact on click-through rates. Continually testing over a period of time will allow you to enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns and deliver more relevant and targeted communication to visitors.

The best way to save valuable time, money, and effort while using the A/B testing process is to automate it. Ultimately, you need to do what’s best for you and your situation. The decision about what percentage of audience should be used for A/B testing depends on the size and requirements of your business.

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